Statement of Faith

In all we do, follow Christ and make followers of Him.~Mission Statement
We believe in One God, the Creator of all things, visible and invisible.
We believe that within the nature of the One True God, there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are coequal in power, nature and eternity.
We believe that Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God, but the Son of Man, who was born into this world of a virgin, lived as a man among men, suffered and died for our sins and was physically and literally resurrected from the dead, that He ascended back to Heaven and is alive today, seated at the right hand of the Father. He Himself is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the one to whom every knee shall one day bow.
We believe that all mankind is helplessly lost, separated from God, and that the only path to reconciliation with God is personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Salvation is therefore the free gift of eternal life, bought and paid for by the death of Christ on the cross.
We believe that Jesus Christ will one day return physically and literally to this world at the climax of the age, at which time the dead of all time will be raised and judged according to God’s mercy and righteousness.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world today revealing Jesus Christ, convicting of sin, and empowering the Church. We believe in the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian as proclaimed in the scripture and lived out down through the ages. What the
Holy Spirit did in the time of the Apostles, He desires to do today!
We believe that the Bible is a gift from God, written by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit. We can think of no better proclamation that what the scripture itself gives us in regard to our faith concerning the Bible:
“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” -II Timothy 3:16-17
We believe in One Church, comprised of all true believers in Jesus Christ, regardless of race, or denominational creed, and that Jesus Christ Himself is the Head and Lord of this Church.